
This web is just outlet for some of my photos and musings about my hoobies (Mainly petanque and computer games). © KoNO 2018
KoNOpage -> Photos

15. 3. 2013 - London - day 1

Photos from first day of my three day trip to London.

I came to London by bus from Plymouth, where I am currently living as exchange student at Plymouth University. I arrived at noon - trip took almost 6 hours by national express coach. I took of by foot from Victoria station towards Buckingham palace. Then I passed through st. James park and through Trafalgar Square. I visited National Gallery (sadly no pictures from inside). I got fish and chips from local chain - food was not bad, but not really good either. I continued walking east towards river and then i followed river around Big Ben and Westminster. I went to hostel in Pimlico I booked before on the internet and rested a little bit. Then later I went back to westminster for a night view.

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Trip to London + The Magic Band live - 21. 3. 2013

Last weekend I went to see concert of the legendary Captain Beefheart's Magic Band that played in west London. I took this opportunity to spend few days in England's capital and try out my new camera. In detail you can find four photogalleries that came from this trip. [read in full]
- writen: 21. 3. 2013