
This web is just outlet for some of my photos and musings about my hoobies (Mainly petanque and computer games). © KoNO 2018
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Vars Cup - 1. 8. 2012

On Saturday 1.9.2012 I played Open Czech Championship in Petanque tripplets called "Vars cup".

I played with Jana and Petr Lukáš from JAPKO petanque club. From my club of Vojnův Městec came Oldřich Brož sr., Zdeněk Konopásek and Pavel Fereš in one team and Karel Malivánek with František and Ondřej Haněl from Sněžné petanque club in second team. Touranment was held at beautiful czech Castle of Veveří near Brno.

Tournament was played as five round Swiss system with best 32 playoffs. Swiss system rounds and best 32 was played on castle parking lot - hard ground covered with relatively soft gravel with some bigger stones here and there. For me it was difficult terrain. My porte and demi throws had sometime tendency to bounce to sides. And role was not applicable either. Bigger stones bounced the ball to side sometime and there were places that sometimes somehow slowed the ball so it was difficult to measure distance. For best 16 and rest of the tournament playground was moved to castle courtyard.

In Swiss system rounds we played a little unbalanced, but overall quiet well. We had only one lapse and luckily that was against seeded team - family of Michálek with Pavel Hodboď. After fourth round we had 3 wins and one loss. In last round we played against strong team calledFighters - Milan Hašek, Pavel Hejl and Tomáš Stoklásek. At first we played well and surprisingly made headstart 10:0, even though our shooter had a weak moment that game. But them we played long cast instead of short as we played until then. We lost our momentum and our ability to play well. And of course it helped oponent to get their mood up. We managed to get a cochonnet back only after they almost caught up with us. It was 12:9 when we once again casted short game. Sadly with our last shot I hit cleanly, but the ball caught cochonnet and rolled him between their 4 balls. so we lost 12:13. We were kind of depressed and although we advanced to best 32 we lost quiet badly against team of Tomáš Kutý.

Team of Konopásek, Brož, Fereš from Vojnův Městec also advanced to 32, but they also lost there. They played quiet even mach against team of Jiří Koreš sr and jr with Radek Netušil but lost.

Official tournament results on website of ČAPEK zde

Article about Vars Cup on Kulový blesk (Czech only) zde

Fotogallery on Kulový blesk zde

Jakub Konopásek - writen: 7. 9. 2012 15:48:07